Monthly Prayer Gathering
for Pastors & Leaders

Every month, pastors and leaders meet together to worship, pray for one another, and pray for the community they share.

Every One Hope collaboration and serving endeavor comes from this place of love, relationship and prayer. Pastors have gathered together for more than a decade, and wonderful relationships continue to grow. 

Upcoming Pastors & Leaders’ Gatherings:

Gatherings are held on the third Thursday of each month from 10:30 to 12:00 noon. Each month the gathering is hosted by a different church. 

May 16 | Cove Church
(1790 Charnelton, Eugene)

June 20 | Willamette Christian Center
(2500 West 18th Ave, Eugene)

July 18 | TBD

August | No Meeting

September 19 | Fall Launch & Lunch

One Church - One Day Community Prayer, Eugene OR Lane County